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Describe also these opinions :   Morning Regular Lectures   Employee Lectures (P2K)
Question :
Is the certificates S1/S2/D3 later written that we are Graduates Regular Night College Program (Online Lectures) ?

Answers and Regulations :

In accordance with Decree DIKTI No.08/DIKTI/Kep/2002 (as below), then in the certificate S1/S2/D3 not written if a person is a graduate of a regular, or Employee Class graduates. Besides his rights as a private university graduates are the SAME.

If someone has been following the right education, then declared graduated as Bachelor or Master, and obtain certificate (and title) and academic transcripts.
Thus the value of certificate and transcripts CAN NOT be seen once again in question in the regular course or in Regular Night College Program (Online Lectures).

So according to regulations, the certificates and Academic Transcript written just things like this. Not in writing whether he Graduates Regular or Regular Night College Program (Online Lectures).

Here is an excerpt relevant legal basis certificates of Higher Education.

Decree of Directorate General of Higher Education No. 08/DIKTI/Kep/2002 (please click to download = 7 kb)
Manual on Technical Guidelines for Control and Supervision Development Program Diploma, Bachelor and Master's degree in Higher Education
Lulusan perguruan tinggi yang telah memenuhi ketentuan yang berlaku berhak mendapat ijazah dan transkrip akademik dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
a.Ijazah dan transkrip diterbitkan dalam bahasa Indonesia, apabila diperlukan ijazah dan transkrip tersebut dapat diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa asing.
b.Hal-hal yang harus dimuat dalam ijazah meliputi :
1.Nomor seri ijazah;
2.Nama Perguruan Tinggi;
3.Nama Program studi;
4.Nama Pemilik ijazah;
5.Tahun Pertama masuk perguruan tinggi;
6.Tempat dan tanggal lahir mahasiswa;
7.Nomor pokok mahasiswa (NPM);
8.Gelar atau sebutan yang diberikan;
9.Tanggal kelulusan;
10.Tanggal penandatanganan ijazah;
11.Logo perguruan tinggi;
12.Foto Mahasiswa
c.Transkrip akademik memuat :
1.Nomor seri transkrip akademik;
2.Nama perguruan tinggi;
3.Nama program studi;
4.Nama pemilik transkrip akademik;
5.Tempat dan tanggal lahir mahasiswa;
6.Nomor pokok mahasiswa (NPM);
7.Tanggal kelulusan;
8.Tanggal penandatanganan transkrip akademik;
9.Logo Perguruan tinggi;
10.Foto mahasiswa;
11.Seluruh nama mata kuliah yang ditempuh, bobot sks, dan nilai yang telah diperoleh mulai dari semester pertama sampai dengan semester akhir.
d.Ijazah dan transkrip lulusan universitas/institut ditandatangani oleh Rektor dan Dekan, lulusan sekolah tinggi ditandatangani oleh Ketua dan Pembantu Ketua Bidang Akademik, sedangkan lulusan akademi dan politeknik ditandatangani oleh Direktur dan Pembantu Direktur Bidang Akademik.
Tags (tagged): employee class supported, government and, the, house of representatives, legal employee, class, program, p2k, kelas, employees, legality, regular, night college program, online lectures, government, and parliament have, encouraged, motivated, to, be intelligent citizens, without any, discrimination, to know, so, that education, for, the whole community, and society, in, general workers, throughout his, life, regular night college, online, lectures, artha bodhi iswara, college of, economic, surabaya, how certificates, graduates regular, night, college program

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